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FETC 2015 Technology Workshops by Rob Zdrojewski

I'm excited to return to Orlando, Florida to present technology workshops at the annual Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC) in January 2015.  I've found FETC to be extremely worthwhile for the past 9 years I've presented.  Join me if you are attending!

Flipping Your Classroom with iPad Screencasting (WWP079)
(View Recorded Workshop HERE!)

3-Hour Ticketed Workshop
Focus Area: Web 2.0 and Digital Teaching Tools
Wednesday, January 21, 2015  12:00pm-3:00 pm  Location: S330G

Session Description:
Screencasts have the power to personalize the online environment when students actually see and hear their instructors and each other asynchronously. Learn how to use the leading iOS screencasting apps such as Explain Everything, ScreenChomp, Educreations and more to create basic screencast videos on your iPad. Specific examples will be provided from a “flipped” middle school teacher who now rarely delivers lectures standing in front of students, and instead circulates among them while they take ownership of their learning.
View my presentation outline HERE:

Students as Screencasters (WR1096)
(View Recorded Workshop HERE!)

2-Hour Ticketed Workshop
Focus Area: Web 2.0 and Digital Teaching Tools
Thursday, January 22, 2015  8:00am-10:00am  Location: S330H

Session Description:

Screencast video lessons are an essential ingredient in the blended or flipped modern classroom. However, creating screencasts doesn’t just have to be the job of the teacher anymore. Why not flip the direction of teaching and learning and put students in the driver’s seat! Learn how Amherst Middle School Teacher Rob Zdrojewski has “flipped” the Professional Development model with his “Teaching the Teachers” Screencasting projects.  Rob’s students create “Tech Under 90 Sec” tutorial videos on hot topics such as using google docs and gmail.  Teachers nationwide have learned from our student-produced screencasts.  Join us to learn how you too can leverage the power of screencasting for your classroom and beyond!

View my presentation outline HERE:

Creating Audio Podcasts on iOS Devices (WR2107)
(View Recorded Workshop Here!)
2-Hour Ticketed Workshop
Focus Area: Web 2.0 and Digital Teaching Tools
Thursday, January 22, 2015  10:30am-12:30pm  Location: S330G
Session Description:
In this session you’ll learn the workflow of creating audio podcast episodes using free or inexpensive iOS apps. Students love creating podcasts! Perfect for integrating ELA and Common Core skills such as scripting, collaboration, analyzing and producing media. No longer do you need expensive gear and complex software to make podcasts, as anyone with any iOS device can easily create them on topics of their choice!  Free hosting options will be explored, so your audiences can be as private or public as you wish.

View my presentation outline HERE:

Top 10 Problems Edmodo Helps Me Solve
Exhibit Hall Presentations, Booth #831
Thursday, January 22, 2015  2:30pm and 4:20pm
Friday, January 23, 2015  10:40am  
Session Description:
So you’ve heard of facebook, but are you wondering how can social networking benefit your
classroom and yet still be safe?  Learn why Amherst Middle School Teacher and Edmodo Certified Trainer Rob Zdrojewski has abandoned his boring teacher website in favor of using Edmodo as a free “digital learning platform” to engage students and parents, and offer a means to host online Professional Development.  Learn more about the many great features at